Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer and online classes

It was the first day of summer on Monday, so me and all my smartness decides to brave an online class. Definitely not the smartest thing I've ever done I'm sure. Not only is my class from next Wednesday until September 7th...can you say "Hello Holidays"? Good grief! What am I thinking? With everything that I have going on that's already planned for this summer plus the unexpected things that will come up I'll be lucky to pass my one online class. Hopefully when the class starts I'll be able to do as much as possible so that I'm ahead of schedule and won't have to worry about failing yet another online class! Wish me luck!

This summer my plans goes as follows:

Fourth of July weekend spent in Idaho.

24th of July starting at the Family Reunion in Idaho and heading cross country to New Jersey stopping in 6 or so states that I haven't been to yet.

Labor Day happens to fall the week after my birthday so I'm hoping that I can possibly go to Vegas for a couple days. If to St. George I go!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And we're moving on!

You would think that when you make plans with a friend...or even best friend that those plans would stick right? WRONG! Something always changes, or a better offer comes along. Why even bother making plans knowing that something else is going to take precedents over the other person anyways? Its a waste of time and energy.

It just goes to show you that you can't count on anyone but yourself. Don't get your hopes up...ever.

Its finally got to the point of possibly no return. You can't unsay the things you've said, you can't undo the things that have been done. Sometimes you just can't fix something that's broken...even with super glue or duct tape.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Night/Day mares....

As of Monday this week I have not been sleeping worth anything! All I dream about is work and how I'm going to fix the tuition increase. I've thought about all the stupid repacks we've been doing and how much of a nightmare it would be to have to redo all the paperwork I've already done and submitted. The first time around it seriously took me a week to compile all the paper work! Not looking forward to doing that. Hopefully I don't have too. Thinking about this in my dreams is causing me not to sleep...or sleep very restfully.

This week has been the longest ever! I've been working since the holiday that everyone else had off and I have to work Saturday...6 days of work...just kill me now. Over time and double time and a half for working the holiday though so bring it on!

I've also been thinking how easy it would be for someone to kill me in my office and no one would find me until the next day...if its Monday-Thursday or until the next week! I'm definitely a goner if someone decides to go postal in this building. Staci and I should probably stop talking about this every night...we'd be in the same boat though so its kind of comforting to know that I wouldn't be the only one laying in my office dying.