Thursday, May 20, 2010

My lovely adventure with my car...

So on Monday night Sara and I went to Iceberg to use her free shake coupon. We get there, go in the store and she can't find the coupon! She had the coupon in the car so we go to look for it and its no where to be found. As we are sitting in the car thinking about leaving she looks in her wallet and there it is. I lock the car and we go back inside. We eat our yummy shake and are ready to leave. As we are walking to the car I'm trying to find my keys, we get to the car and I randomly say "watch me have locked them in the car". Yep. There they sat on my seat. I had taken my spare key out of my purse the day before! As we sit there on the curb waiting for Katie's parents to come pick us up, (Sara's car was at Katie's house) so that we can go to my house and pick up my spare key I just kept thinking to myself how luck would have it that the first time I lock my keys in my car I don't have my spare because I left it at home the night before! Well that was a fun experience! Hopefully it never happens again!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Months Later....

Well its been awhile! I haven't really had anything too exciting going on. I still work way too much...or so I think...but when I have time off I have no idea what to do with myself! I've gotten so used to getting off at eight every night and going home possibly eating dinner and going to bed that when I get off at six my world starts orbiting out of my normal circumference that I have set up for it! I've recently started watching the Gilmore Girls seasons...AGAIN! I love them. It kills the time when I get off abnormally early for myself. I can't ever just watch one episode though, I have to watch the whole disk which is roughly three hours long. (Probably some OCD thing that I have going on.)

Ok so in the past 3 months my life is still not exciting! I did go to Vegas over Easter weekend with my friend Sara. We had a blast, I'm pretty sure....I did at least. We walked the strip 12 times a day it seemed like! We never did get to see the show at Treasure Island...the main reason we walked the strip 12 times a day. The sunshine was fabulous! Seeing as it was snowing when we left and came back. I really hate the snow! I got back from vacation and I immediately thought I needed another vacation, basically because the weather went from an AWESOME 75 degrees in Vegas to 30ish in 2 hours. My dad was so kind to point out that I don't need a vacation...I need retirement! I totally agree.

I've come the the conclusion that there is something wrong with me...I haven't shopped in weeks! I was shopping at least once a month if not every other week. I've been slacking! I need some MAJOR retail therapy PRONTO! When will my billionaire someone show up so I can go shopping?

I really hate my car. There's nothing wrong with it right now, but I hate it. $300 bucks for new tires...CHECK! Oil changes...all the time! Renewing the plates once a year! Its exhausting and draining on the bank account. I'm definitely not a fan!

I've come to realize that I'm pretty much a convenience for a lot of the people in my life and they call me or whatever only when they need something or when someone else isn't around. SO! I am no longer texting, calling, IMing, basically making the first contact with anyone, anymore. I'm surprisingly ok with this decision. I am no longer sending/receiving 14,000 texts a month, its now about half that. I realize that this theory might just contradict itself seeing as I'm boycotting people using me but waiting for them to contact me...BUT!...its been working, I'm no longer waiting to see if someone will text me back. If they don't, oh well!

I think I'm done babbling now. Maybe I shouldn't wait 3 months before doing this again...